第一条 中文名称:哥伦比亚大学中国学生学者联谊会,以下简称联谊会。
第二条 英文名称:Columbia University Chinese Students & Scholars Association, 简称CUCSSA。
第三条 协会性质:哥伦比亚大学官方学生社团,由哥大学生、学者自发、自治,受校方督导的非政治、非宗教、非盈利的团体 。
第四条 协会宗旨:服务哥伦比亚大学在校的广大学生、学者,密切联系、团结哥伦比亚大学校友及大纽约地区的华人、华侨。弘扬中华文化,促进中美文化交流与相互理解。
第五条 协会构成:由普通会员(Members)和执行委员会(Executive Committee)构成。
第六条 会员资格:认同并遵守联谊会宗旨、章程的哥伦比亚大学学生、学者及其家属,哥伦比亚大学校友,大纽约地区华人、华侨与其他认同联谊会宗旨、遵守联谊会章程的人士均可以成为联谊会的会员。
第七条 会员义务:认同并遵守联谊会宗旨、章程,维护联谊会形象,不做有损联谊会声誉的行为。
第八条 会员权利:参与联谊会举办的多种活动;利用联谊会的网络资源接受、发布经过执行委员会批准的信息;对执行委员会的工作提出意见和建议。
第九条 执委会:执委会是联谊会的常设管理机构,负责联谊会的日常管理和运作。同时,执委会通过主办、承办以及与其他组织合办各类活动来实现联谊会的宗旨。执委会由联谊会中的积极成员通过主席团(见第十条)选拔组成,成员需要为哥伦比亚大学在校学生、学者。
第十条 执委会组成:执委会由主席团(Board)和下属部门成员构成。主席团由一名主席(President),一到两名常务副主席(Senior Vice President),一名秘书长(Secretary General)和若干名副主席(Vice President)组成。下属部门成员包括若干名干事(Associate)。
第十一条 执委会执行部门: 执委会由商务与职业发展部(Business and Career Opportunity, BCO),拓展与校际合作部(Community and Development Engagement, CDE)媒体与公共关系部(Media and Public Relations, MPR),社会与文化事务部(Social and Cultural Affairs, SCA),以及秘书处(Secretariat)五个执行部门构成。除秘书处以外每个部门各由若干名副主席负责管理。常务副主席负责管理协调多个部门的副主席。秘书处由秘书长负责管理。学联财务委员会由主席团全体成员组成,秘书长担任主管。主席对全学联负责,拥有学联事务的一票否决权。
第十二条 执委会选举:执委会任期一年,于次年的四月至五月进行换届选举。选举范围包括主席、常务副主席、秘书长和副主席。现任执委会主席不可以连任。每位候选人只允许参选一个部门的副主席。允许同时参加主席、常务副主席、秘书长的搭档选举(见第十三条)和副主席的选举(见第十四条)。曾被要求退出学联者无参选资格。选举由选举委员会组织安排,选举委员会由不参加选举的现任主席团全体成员组成。选举委员会需要在选举前至少两周出台当年选举细则,根据具体情况增加选举条件,但不可以与本章程冲突。
第十三条 执委会主席、常务副主席和秘书长的选举:执委会主席、常务副主席和秘书长搭档进行选举。选举候选人最多不超过两组。主席候选人优先考虑上届主席团成员,并且需在次年全年保持学联执委会成员身份并通过主席团的资格审核,在上届主席团有资格参选人不足三人或上届主席团参选人不足两人或没有通过主席团资格审核情况下,候选人可扩充到任职满一年并在次年全年保持学联执委会成员身份的学联执委会成员。现任主席团成员占有不低于40%的投票权。选举日当天,出席人数的投票权重率大于或等于50%,选举结果视为有效。票数多的候选人当选为新一届执委会的主席、常务副主席和秘书长。
第十四条 主席团其他成员的产生:在主席、常务副主席、秘书长搭档选举结果产生后,进行副主席竞选。选举候选人数不限,候选人必须在学联执委会任职满一年。投票和当选方式同第十三条。每个部门副主席不超过两名。如出现副主席未做满一年而离职时,可由主席团投票选举代理部长协助管理相关部门。代理部长不属于正式主席团成员,其选举资格、投票权限等同一般执委会干事。
第十五条 主席团下属部门成员的产生:执委会于每年9月和次年1月进行新成员招新。招新由简历筛选以及面试构成。面试官由主席团成员担任。被录取的新成员成为当届执委会下属部门成员。
第十六条 执委会主席的弹劾:当主席工作严重失职时,可由主席团半数以上成员提出弹劾申请。由主席团三分之二以上成员投票并通过,即可完成主席的弹劾。若主席被弹劾,弹劾后由主席团投票选举临时主席完成本届任期。
第十七条 执委会主席团(除主席外)的弹劾:当主席团成员工作严重失职时,可由主席或主席团半数以上成员提出弹劾申请。由主席团三分之二以上成员投票并通过,即可完成主席团成员的弹劾。弹劾后的空缺由主席团投票选举临时负责人完成本届任期。
第十八条 执委会成员(除主席团外)的罢免或劝退:当有执委会成员影响联谊会形象或经考核发现有两次重要任务没有完成或严重违反学联章程与规定时,可由执委会其他成员向主席团提交罢免或劝退议案,主席团半数或以上成员投票通过后,可将其罢免或劝退。
第十九条 执委会成员的义务:秉持、贯彻联谊会宗旨,服务联谊会全体会员。工作认真负责,及时完成上级所布置的任务。不以学联名义谋私。以实际行动维护联谊会的形象和声誉。
第二十条 执委会成员的权利:在执委会主席团的指导下,作为联谊会全体会员的代表,以联谊会的名义组织各类活动并与外界各类单位、组织进行交流、合作。管理联谊会一切有型、无形财产,管理联谊会普通会员。
第二十一条 所有以联谊会名义主办、承办或合办的活动,必须经过执委会批准,由执委会统一组织。未经执委会批准,任何组织和个人不得使用联谊会的名义从事任何活动。
第二十二条 所有活动的支出与收入由执委会统一管理,任何组织和个人不得在未获得执委会批准的情况下擅自使用。
2018年9月 8日
1. Association Introduction
Article 1
Chinese Name:哥伦比亚大学中国学生学者联谊会
Article 2
English Name:Columbia University Chinese Students & Scholars Association, CUCSSA.
Article 3
Association Nature:Officially recognized student group and established by students and scholars at Columbia University, the association is a school-supervised, self-governed, nonpolitical, non-religious and nonprofit organization.
Article 4
Association Mission:Serve Chinese students and scholars at Columbia University, connect and unite Columbia Chinese alumni, Chinese and overseas Chinese in the greater New York area. Promote Chinese culture and foster the Sino-U.S. cultural communication and mutual understanding.
2. Association Organization
Article 5
Association Structure:Constituted by regular members and an Executive Committee.
3. Regular Members
Article 6
Member Qualification: Any current students, scholars, and staff of Columbia University with a valid CU ID who agree and comply with the mission and regulations of the CUCSSA articles can register to be CUCSSA’s members.
Article 7
Member Obligation: Agree and comply with CUCSSA’s mission and regulations, protect its image and do not damage its reputation.
Article 8
Member Rights:
Participate in activities and events organized by CUCSSA; utilize CUCSSA’s networking resources to accept and release information approved by Executive Committee; provide comments and suggestions concerning the performance of the Executive Committee; and voting rights in the Board election.
4. The Executive Committee
Article 9
Executive Committee: The Executive Committee is responsible for the daily management and operation of the Association and organizes activities to achieve the association mission. The Executive Committee of the Association is composed of current Columbia students and scholars who have a strong will and desire to serve the Chinese community.
Article 10
The Executive Committee consists of the Board and its subsidiary departments. The Board is composed of one President, one or two Senior Vice Presidents, one Secretary General, and several Vice Presidents. The subsidiary departments are managed by Vice-Presidents and Associates.
Article 11
Executive Committee Departments: The Executive Committee consists of the following departments--Business and Career Opportunities (BCO), Community Development and Engagement (CDE), Media and Public Relations (MPR) Social and Cultural Affairs (SCA) and the Secretariat. The subsidiary departments are managed by Vice Presidents and the Secretariat is managed by the Secretary General. Senior Vice President(s) manages Vice Presidents. The Executive Committee Financial Committee consists of the Board and is directed by the Secretary General. The President is responsible to the whole association and has a veto over all of its affairs.
Article 12
Election of the Executive Committee: The term of each office of the Executive Committee is one year based on the Columbia University academic calendar. New Board members are selected by the end of each academic year. The election is open to the positions of President, Senior Vice President, Secretary General and Vice President. The current President is not allowed to run for President. Every candidate can only run for Vice President for one department. Running for President/Senior-Vice-President/Secretary-General (Article 13) and Vice President (Article 14) at the same time is allowed. Individuals who have violated the regulations of the CUCSSA cannot run. The Election Committee consisting of Board Members who are not running is responsible for giving details of the election at least two weeks before the election day. The details cannot conflict with this constitution.
Article 13
Election of the President/Senior-Vice-President/Secretary-General: President, Senior Vice President, Secretary General are elected as a group and there shall be no more than two groups. The current Board members, who can stay in the Executive Committee for the next one year and are reviewed by the Board, have the priority to be the presidential candidates. If there are less than 3 current Board members eligible to run or if there are less than 2 current Board members willing to run or if there is objection from other current Board members, any Executive Committee member, who served for at least one year and will stay in the Executive Committee for the next one year, can run for President. Current Board has no less than 40% of the votes. On the election day, no less than 50% of the votes must be collected. The candidates with the most votes for each office are assigned to be the new President/Senior-Vice-President/Secretary-General.
Article 14
Election of the Vice-President: After the election of the President/Senior-Vice-President/Secretary-General, the election of the Vice-President begins. There are no limits to the number of candidates. Vice President candidates must have served for at least one year and will stay in the Executive Committee for at least the next one semester. The election methods are the same as Article 13. No more than two Vice Presidents for each department. If the Vice President leaves office, an acting department chair can be elected by the Board to manage the department. Acting department chairs are not official Board members, whose rights to run and vote are the same as Associates.
Article 15
Election of Subsidiary Departments: Executive Committee recruits in every September and May by screening of resumes and interviews. Interviewers are current Board members. The Subsidiary Departments of the current Board are constituted by these newly elected members.
Article 16
Presidential Impeachment: When the President engages in serious misconduct, impeachment can be proposed by a half majority of the members of the Board. The President will be removed from office by a two-thirds majority of the members of the Board. In the event of approved impeachment, a temporary president will be elected by the Board then presiding Executive Committee and serve as acting president during the interim.
Article 17
Board Member (except for the President) Impeachment: When a Board member engages in serious misconduct, impeachment can be proposed by the President or a half majority of the members of the Board. The member may be removed from office by a two-thirds majority of the members of the Board. In the event of approved impeachment, a temporary member will be elected by the Board then presiding Executive Committee and serve as acting member during the interim.
Article 18
Executive Committee member dismissal: Other members in the Executive Committee can be dismissed from their office if such a member fails to fulfill his or her tasks for more than twice or deliberately sabotages the public image of the Association. A motion of dismissal must be submitted to the Board by a board member and it would be passed once voted by more than half of the Board members.
Article 19
Obligations of Executive Committee Members: Uphold and implement the purpose of the Association and serve the entire membership. Work responsibly and timely complete the tasks. Take concrete actions to maintain the image and reputation of the Association.
Article 20
Rights of Executive Committee Members: With the guidance of the Board, he/she can organize various activities and cooperate with other organizations or institutions on the behalf of the Association as a representative. Manage the entirety of assets of the Association.
5. Events Management
Article 21
All the events involving CUCSSA must be approved by the Board and organized by the Executive Committee. Without the approval of the Board, no organization or individual can organize events in the name of CUCSSA.
Article 22
All the expenses and incomes must be managed by the Board. No one can use CUCSSA properties or money without approval of the Board.
6. Constitution Explanation and Amendment
Article 23
All the other regulations of CUCSSA shall not conflict with this constitution.
Article 24
The Executive Committee reserves the right to explain and amend all the chapters. The amendment of the constitution is valid only when the whole Board members agree in form of voting, and should be written as supplements attaching to the original constitution.
Article 25
The constitution has come into effect since September 10, 2018.
The Executive Committee of
Columbia University Chinese Students & Scholars Association
September 8, 2018