CDE - Community and Development Engagement
CDE department aims to promote the cooperation and communication between CUCSSA and other student associations. Committed to be the umbrella organization, CDE works to strengthen the bond among the Chinese student organizations of Columbia Business School, Columbia Law School, Teachers College, The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, and School of International and Public Affairs. Meanwhile, CDE also expands cooperation with mainstream American associations in order to deepen mutual understanding and create an exchange platform. CDE also strengthens the contact between CUCSSA and administrative departments of Columbia University and establishes and maintains long-term contact with the trustees, professors, and visiting scholars of Columbia University. CDE’s objective is to gain support and recognition from the university and maintain friendly relationship between CUCSSA and various NPOs in Greater New York City to develop new cooperative areas.
BCO - Business and Career Opportunity
BCO aims to promote the business and career opportunities for students. Through building up a strong partnership network, BCO connects CUCSSA with adequate resources to support its operation. Career activities organized by BCO, such as job fair, career forum, and networking salon, give students competitive edge and advanced career information. BCO has two sub-unions, a start-up club and Columbia Chinese Alumni Association. Every year, BCO will holds a start-up competition to facilitate the conversation between student entrepreneurs and mentors. The alumni association aims to build up a strong bond between current students and alumni.
MPR - Media and Public Relations
MPR,媒体与公共关系部,主要负责建设社交媒体平台,学联宣传和维持公共关系。在媒体方面MPR主要支持学联活动,为学联活动撰写文案,报道和宣传活动。MPR 同时负责所有学联社交平台的管理和论坛运营,摄影和视频制作以及平面海报的设计。在公共关系方面,MPR旨在为学联建立良好的外部形象,协助其他各部门举办活动,负责对外媒体合作,维系和哥大学生学者的关系,同时和校外各组织和媒体维持良好关系。
MPR is in charge of social media and the public relations of CUCSSA. MPR's duty includes but not limited to story writing, event coverage, platform management, BBS management, and video shooting & editing, graphic & poster design. MPR also aims to build strong media relations with students and scholars in Columbia University, as well as maintaining relationships with media, institutions, non-profit organizations and key industry influencers. Another MPR's objective is to initiate activities that help shape the CUCSSA image and to coordinate the work with other departments. We are also in charge of crafting strategies for crises of any sorts and tackle issues when crises happen.
SCA - Social and Cultural Affairs
SCA,社会与文化事务部,在学联中负责组织策划各类推进校园文化多样性以及推广中国文化的活动。我们的目标是能以哥大为载体,助力大纽约地区华人社区的文化建设。同时,借由各类中英双语的学术讲座,社交聚会等活动,让外国同学,老师,朋友们能以更多的方式全面了解中国与中国文化。在学联的传统活动”哥伦比亚大学春节晚会”中, SCA主要负责晚会的艺术创作部分,我们希望每一年的晚会都能为到场的同学们、同胞们以及宾客们展现不一样的学生风貌与不一样的中国文化。今年,我们更是新发起了文化沙龙的项目,目的是在交流与鉴赏中传播与推广各类中国传统的艺术形式。另外,学联的子属学生俱乐部:杂志社、舞蹈社、相声社、足球社、篮球社、健身社、以及桌游俱乐部等也都通过我们保持跟学联的良好联系。
SCA's main duty is to plan and arrange for various kinds of culture related student events and activities.Our mission is to promote cultural diversity on Columbia campus as well as to deliver the rapid growing and changing Chinese culture to non-Chinese students.Our events and activities such as culture forum, art salon and new year gala not only serve students on campus, but have also been spreading out to people from the greater New York area.We also play our part in the New Year Gala as the directing team, which is mainly in charge of the art creation and illustration part of the night. We have been trying our best to deliver a creative, renovated performance to all of our audiences at the night of the most important date in a year.
秘书处是学联内部部门,主要负责各部门之间的衔接和沟通。同时,秘书部负责学联的财务管理,这包括各个部门的预算审核,行政报销,活动资金申请等。 秘书部同事负责会议记录,建立档案和提供人事培训,在学联有着重要的作用。此外,秘书部还负责进行学联内部人员的绩效考核,在学联日常运作中有着重要的作用。
The CUCSSA secretariat is an internal supportive department which functions as the central department to facilitate communication and cooperation among all CUCSSA departments. It is responsible for the finance of CUCSSA, including annual budget setting, event budget review, fund application, and financial reimbursement, etc. Keeping records of meetings and training of all CUCSSA departments and managing archives and related event documents of CUCSSA are also secretariat's main objectives. Secretariat department is also in charge of ordinating human relations among departments and assessing internals’ performance in order to perfect the structure and the operation efficiency of CUCSSA.