自成立以来,哥伦比亚大学中国学生学者联谊会一直坚定执行并不断发展和完善它的服务宗旨,获得了国内外多家媒体的报道和赞誉。联谊会的贡献和影响力不仅受到大纽约地区华人社会的高度评价,也受到中美两国政府的重视。国家主席习近平,国务院总理李克强,前国家主席胡锦涛、前国务院总理温家宝及前外交部长李肇星等政要,在访美的行程中,均亲切接见过我们的学生代表,并对我们的工作给予了充分的肯定。2006年,时任纽约市市长Michael Bloomberg发表声明,命名2006年1月29日(即农历大年初一)为“CUCSSA农历新年日”。
经过十余年的发展和沉淀,CUCSSA以世界著名高等学府哥伦比亚大学以及大都会纽约为依托,形成了独特的发展模式,展示出的非凡的发展速度。CUCSSA以五大品牌活动——新生关怀项目(New Students Care Program)、哥伦比亚大学中国展望论坛(Columbia China Prospects Conference)、哥伦比亚大学百家讲坛(Columbia China Forum)、哥伦比亚大学中美创业大赛以及哥伦比亚大学农历新年晚会(Columbia Chinese New Year Gala)为主打,以中小型文体活动、招聘会、讲座为辅助的发展规划,不仅服务了校内的广大中国学生、学者,更在纽约乃至整个北美的华人社区中享有广泛的知名度。
2010 年 10月,CUCSSA成功举办首届“哥伦比亚大学中国展望论坛”。2013年10月举办的第四届哥伦比亚大学“中国展望论坛”,以“探索中国价值”为主题,吸引了来自美东地区的八百多名学子以及社会各界人士前来参与。论坛有幸邀请到五十多名享誉中外的演讲嘉宾,展现了他们精彩纷呈的观点。其中包括,著名经济学家许小年,国开行前副行长高坚,上海绿地集团董事长、总裁张玉良,中国诚信公司创始人、董事长、中国人民大学经济研究所所长毛振华,中央电视台《新闻联播》栏目主持人郎永淳等。论坛盛况被新华社、凤凰卫视、中青网等多家媒体报导以及转载,中央电视台二套财经频道《环球财经连线》对此还进行了特别报道。
Founded in 1996, Columbia University Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CUCSSA), the largest Chinese students and scholars NGO in United State is one of the most influential and well-known Chinese organizations. The members in CUCSSA include Chinese Columbia students and scholars, Chinese Columbia alumni and overseas Chinese who voluntarily joined the Association, which are about twenty thousand people in total. The four missions of CUCSSA are doing the services for the Chinese Columbia students, scholars and Chinese communities, uniting the alumni, overseas Chinese and Chinese students, promoting the Chinese culture, and increasing the cultural exchanges and mutual understanding between China and America.
Since the establishment, CUCSSA has been dedicating in the executing and perfecting the missions, which wins the domestic and foreign media coverage and praise. CUCSSA’s contributions and influence are highly praised not only by the Chinese community in New York, but also by the Chinese and American governments. During the visiting trip in America, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Premier Li Keqiang and Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing had a cordial meeting with CUCSSA’s representatives and highly commended for our work. Additionally, the mayor of New York City Michael Bloomberg issued a statement that naming January 29, 2006 (Lunar New Year’s Day) as “CUCSSA Lunar New Year Day”.
For over ten years of development, CUCSSA has formed a unique development model and demonstrated the extraordinary speed of development on the basis of the world’s famous institutions Columbia University and the New York City. CUCSSA engages primarily in four major activities including New Students Care Program, Columbia China Prospects Conference, Columbia China Forum and Columbia Chinese New Year Gala, supplemented by the recreational and sports activities, the job fairs and the personal development planning. This activities help the majority of the Chinese students as well as further improve CUCSSA’s high reputation within the America.
In 2009, CUCSSA called eight American Ivy League school for jointly organizing “CUCSSA Lunar New Year’s party” that was the first large-scale Ivy League New Year Gala. In the 2014 New Year, CUCSSA partnered with Tencent video and Chinese Universities Alumni Aliance within North America, hosted the Columbia University Spring Festival Gala. It showed a strong lineup including about two hundred cast and crew members, and well-made production. The professional media team composed of Chinese, Korean and American made the stage effects more superb. The show attracted nearly twelve hundreds audience. Moreover, the hit rate of the Spring Festival video even exceeded 4.56 million within a week since the video was uploaded onto the Tencent video online. In fact, CUCSSA’s New Year Gala each year is widely reported by China CCTV, Phoenix TV, Xinhua News Agency and the other Chinese media.
On October 2010, CUCSSA successfully held the first “Columbia China Prospects Conference”. On October 2013, the fourth Columbia China Prospects Conference whose theme was exploring the Chinese value attracted more than eight hundred audience to participate. The forum was honored to invite over fifty renowned speakers to share their brilliant ideas. They were the famous economist Xiaonian Xu, the former deputy governor of China Development Bank Jian Gao, Chairman of the Shanghai Greenland Group, CEO of Liangyu Zhang, the founder and the chairman of the China Chengxin Company, the director of Economic Research Institute of Renmin University of China Zhenhua Mao, etc. The pomp of the forum was reported by the Xinhua News Agency, the Phoenix TV, China Youth Net and the other media. CCTV two set of Financial and economics Channel, "Worldwide Exchange" also carried a special report.
Furthermore, Langlang, Xiang Liu, Qiuyu Yu, Dan Yu, Wen Jiang, Zhongtian Yi, Zhonghua Pang, Cunxin Pu, Zhelun Hwang , Miaoke Lin, Kaifu Lee , Yanhong Li , Shi Wang , Gongquan Wang, Xiaojia Li , Zhiwu Chen, Stiglitz, Qingshi Zhu, XiaoQing Liu and other leading figures in art, sports, culture, economy, education fields have participated in the special activities that was organized by CUCSSA .