舞韵 - 哥大中国舞蹈社
舞韵 - 哥大中国舞蹈社(C U China Dance)成立于2013年9月。该社诣在召集所有对中国舞蹈文化感兴趣的同学,将中国民族舞、古典舞在哥大校园以及纽约范围内推广。舞韵自成立,先后在 Columbia University Night Market, CU TASA philanthropy banquet, 哥大春晚等大型活动的舞台上表演。舞者通过优美的舞姿及气韵演绎中国舞蹈的刚柔相济,同时将中华民族独特的文化以表演艺术的形式展现给观众,赢得了一致好评。舞韵 - 哥大中国舞蹈社希望舞者们通过舞蹈陶冶情操,以刚柔并济的姿态面对生活,发现身边一切美的事物,获取生活的真谛。期待每一位对舞蹈感兴趣的同学的加入。
Columbia Chinese Dance Academy (CU China Dance) was established in September 2013. The Club welcomes all the students interested in Chinese dance culture, the Chinese folk dance, classical dance, with its goal to promote Chinese dances on Columbia campus and the New York region. Since its inception, the CU China Dance performed at Columbia University Night Market, CU TASA philanthropy banquet, 2014 Columbia Spring Festival and other large events. Dancers demonstrate the unique Chinese culture through the form of performing arts show to the audience. Rhythmic - Columbia Chinese Dance Academy dancers hope to find beautiful things and get the true meaning of life through dancing. We look forward seeing every interested students to join.
哥伦比亚大学相声社(Columbia University Chinese Cross-talk Club)成立于2012年,是哥大相声爱好者的同好会。2012年哥大春晚,哥大相声社创始人王浩、桑子阳、彭元涛携相声《如此纳贤》,首度粉墨登场。当年,《如此纳贤》在优酷上的点击率超过60万,获得了国内多家媒体如湖南卫视、东方卫视的关注。2013年的《孔丘骗食》、2014年的《诗仙救子》、《如此请客(报菜名)》、2016年的《八扇屏》等节目,更是令哥大相声社在中美两地声名鹊起,备受观众与网友的热爱。从2014年开始,哥大相声社开始推出小品和脱口秀团队,贡献了《康熙没来之都教授访谈》、《康熙没来之庞麦郎访谈》、《谈笑疯生》等优秀作品。2016年,哥大相声社与国内知名专业喜剧团体开心麻花签订合作协议,正式推出“北美最牛相声社” YouTube 频道。2016年、2017年的哥大春晚,哥大相声社凭借相声《做礼拜》、《学电台》,小品《新新白娘子传奇》,再度让全场观众high起来。
Columbia University Crosstalk was established in September 2012. Our members were consisted of participants from the previous CUCSSA Spring Festivals, including Columbia undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in creative performances. Now, there are more than ten members who performed nearly 10 plays. Over the past few years, we met with famous crosstalk artist, Guo Degang, who visited Columbia. We also performed with rookie star Wang Zi Jian who studied at New York. During finals period, we held a number of comic specials for the students to relieve stress. Even more at the annual Columbia Spring Festival Evening, we served as the grand finale. We were invited to perform at four universities in Philadelphia, Princeton University and USC.
We welcome all students interested in the creation of comic performers to join us and share their skills to entertain Columbia students.
哥大华人足球队旨在为热爱足球运动的同学打造一个施展才华的平台。仅2013年度,哥大足球队赢取了NYC One Day Tournament 冠军(8人制,其他球队均为美国球队),美东杯亚军(11人制),更在2014年度 ivy league cup 上兵不血刃,横扫 ivy league 7名校,豪取冠军,并在美东杯上改写历史,首次捧得美东华人最高首次捧得美东华人最高水平杯赛冠军。2017年,哥大华人足球队第三次卫冕 Ivy League Cup,完成四冠王的伟业。星光灿灿的哥大华人足球队也吸引了 ChinaDaily,美国中文网,侨报的争先报道。这些荣誉都是一届届哥大学长、校友拼来的,更离不开 CUCSSA 的支持。如果你也有出色的足球意识,过硬的脚下功夫,加上一颗永不服输的心,请加入哥大华人足球队,一起并肩作战!
CU Chinese Football Team has been reported by China Daily, Sinovision and China Express. These honors are owed to the effort of CU alumni as well as the support of CUCSSA. If you have an excellent sense of football, solid football skills and unyielding spirit, please join the CU Chinese Football Team. Let’s fight together!
哥大留学生心理社ISPA(读作:“I”- spa)于2012年创立于哥伦比亚大学教育研究生院,是纽约地区首个关注留学生心理健康, 并集学术与社交为一体的学生社团组织。ISPA 致力于为留学生提供朋辈互助与支持,为心理学相关专业人士提供交流与展示的平台,同时也为大众提供一个走近心理学的机会。
ISPA (I-SPA) is the first student association that focus on the psychology of international students. It is where you can talk about academic issues, and it is also a place you can mingle and make friends. ISPA, stands for International Student Psychology Association was founded by Jiang Fan in 2012, a 2013 graduate from psychology major. The title of the association speaks for itself. We aim to provide a platform for students of psychology background to communicate with us and display their professional knowledge. We also welcome students who are interested in psychology to join us and learn more about psychology.
Organizing "Chunhui" Cup Start-up and Innovation Competition for Chinese Students and Scholars abroad.